28th May 1917

The allocation into sections of the men of the new draft in their respective platoons was now essential and B Company was paraded with all the officers present.

Snipers required special qualifications and were chosen first.  Volunteers were called for – “Any marksmen?” – there were none.  “First class shots?” – I looked at Bradley and raised my eyebrows.  He responded by whispering - “No fatigues!”.  Simultaneously we took one step forward and were thereupon nominated as Platoon Snipers.

Poor Forster was nowhere in the running when it came to shooting and gloomily foresaw the break-up of the trio.  I am glad it did not work out that way.

6:55am parades.
Detailed sniper with Bradley.
Map reading, contour lines, etc.
Air raids.
Half day off.
On the range in evening.

Original diary entry
Original journal notes