6th July 1917

Anxious to enjoy our newly found freedom and with the promise of a hot sunny day we were out and about at 7:45am only to find that classes did not start until 9:45am.  The instructor, Sergeant Roberts, dealt adequately with the elementary map reading, conventional signs, scales, co-ordination, contours, etc - all of which we smoothly regarded as schoolboy stuff.  Lessons ceased at 12:30 for lunch, to be resumed at 2:15.  At 4pm we were issued with 10 francs pay and dismissed for the rest of the day.

That night Jerry paid a visit to Divisional H.Q. and dropped four bombs.  Little damage was done but we on the course took a sneaking delight in the momentary discomfort of the Brass Hats – how mean one can become!

Rose 7:45am.
Course started.
Map reading - conventional signs, scales, co-ordination, etc. 9:15-12:30 and 2:15-4pm.
Paid 10 francs.
Air raid. 4 bombs.

Original diary entry
Original journal notes