H.M. King George V was due at Le Cauroy to attend a Divisional Church Parade which was cancelled owing to the wet weather. Presumably as ‘odds and bods’ we would not have participated in the show anyway. Instead, most of our day was spent reading and writing, apart from a Church Service in the hut at 6:30. Meanwhile the Brass Hats took dinner to the sound of music played by the Divisional band.
Oddly enough the easy life began to pall. Feeling the need for exercise Bradley and I tramped the roads in pouring rain to Estreé Wamin alongside the light railway which ran to Frevent.
No parade whatever!
Very wet. Indoors all day reading.
Service in hut at 6:30pm.
Divisional band.
Walk to Estrée Wamin.
Original diary entry |
Original journal notes |
Google Maps entry for Estrée Wamin here